Elders Wawro, Crank & Mogensen |
Hello, everyone! I'm going to apologize in advance that
this email is going to be a little bit shorter, but I am short on time. I hope
you'll forgive me.
So transfer happened! I am sure you are all dying to know
what is happening with me:
I'm staying, and Ældste Metcalf is going to be my new
companion! [Elder Metcalf and Elder Wawro
were in the same MTC group]
We really are so excited for this transfer. We have big
dreams and even bigger faith that we can start to see some change in our area.
Our teaching pool has diminished, so it's time to get to work. Ældste Metcalf
and I are really good friends and both have great desires to work our hardest,
so basically I'm really looking forward to this transfer.
We met with *Joseph* and *Jenny* this last week. It was a
great lesson. *Joseph* want's to come back to church so badly and has been
giving such an honest effort to do his part to become fully active again. His
girlfriend, *Jenny*, is also currently investigating the church. Apparently she
did a lot of studying because she knew all about Joseph Smiths experience, him
getting the gold plates, and a lot of church doctrine. She also had begun
reading in the Book of Mormon and just the day before *Joseph* caught her reading
the Doctrine and Covenants. She had some really good questions that we were
able to answer and ended up presenting a baptismal plan for her even though
she's really hesitant about the idea. It turned out to be an all-around great
She said since it was probably our last time we could
meet she said we could talk a little bit about the Book of Mormon. But she just
wanted to hear about how the Book of Mormon and Mormonism has blessed our
lives, because she was atheist and not willing to change. However, something powerful
and different happened in this lesson. The Spirit really took over and it
seemed like we were really able to ask the perfect questions and share the
perfect stories at the perfect times. We bore testimony of what we knew to be
By the end of the lesson she said, "Wow, I never imagined this
happening. I wish I had had more of these kinds of talks with you before. You
know what? I'm going to try this whole
praying thing tonight!" Her heart was softened and you could see that our
faith in God really made an impression on her. I don't think I'll see her again
here in Denmark, but I hope she does pray and receives an answer that God
We also had a ward picnic this week where a couple of
investigators came to watch Elder Crank do his Indian dance. Everyone seemed to
love that and we were happy that our investigators had the chance to mingle
with the ward.
We did service for President Paulsen in the Stake
Presidency and I sawed wood for 2 hours straight! My hands are destroyed with
blisters but it was actually really fun. Best part, somebody was walking down the
road and commented to President Paulsen about all of the hard work we were
doing, so President Paulsen offered us to go over and work at his house! So now
we have service lined up with one of his neighbors.
I really appreciated the growing experience I had to be
with Ældste Crank and Ældste Mogensen. I really do love them and I hope Ældste
Crank has a safe trip home [He finished
his mission today]. Ældste Metcalf and I are stoked for this next transfer
and we are going to hit the pavement hard and watch the miracles happen.
I love you all! Have a great week!
-Ældste Wawro
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